
Occupancy TodayCurrent physical occupancy (leased units).
Prelease EOMPhysical occupancy is projected for the end of next month.
Prelease 60 daysPhysical occupancy is projected for the end of next month.
Prelease 90 daysPhysical occupancy is projected for 30 days after the end of next month.
Months to Date Move InMove-ins recorded during this month.
Months to Date Move OutPhysical occupancy is projected for the end of the current month.
Collections MtD BudgetedCollections budgeted for this month.
Collections MtD ChargedCharges for this month.
Collections MtD CollectedActual collections month-to-date.
Collections vs. ChargedThe ratio between Collections month-to-date and Charges for the month.
Collections previous Months EoMTotal Collections for the previous month.
Ecconomic occupancy MtDEconomic Occupancy month-to-date.
Total Aging PayablesInvoices pending payment.
Delinquency Prior MonthsDelinquency from previous months.
Delinquency Current MonthsDelinquency in the Current month.
Delinquency Current Months vs ChargedThe ratio of Delinquency this month vs. Total Charges for the month.
Delinquency Total DelinquencyTotal Delinquency (Prior and current months).
Delinquency Total Delinquency vs ChargedThe Ratio of Total Delinquency vs. Total Charges for the month.
Leasing TrafficTraffic Count month-to-date.
Leasing LeasesSigned new leases month-to-date.
Conversion Rate MtDRatio of signed new leases vs. traffic.
Renewals AchievedSigned renewals month-to-date.
Renewals RateThe ratio of renewed vs. expiring leases (exposure).
Vacant units LeasedVacant units that are already leased.
Vacant units Not LeasedVacant units that are not leased.
Vacant units TotalTotal of vacant units (leased and not leased).
Notice to Vacate LeasedNTV units that are already leased.
Notice to Vacate Not LeasedNTV units that are not leased.
Notice to Vacate TotalTotal NTV units (leased and not leased).
Months-to-Months Leases NumberNumber of month-to-month leases.
Months-to-Months Leases PercentageThe ratio of month-to-month leases vs the total number of units at the property.
Exposure First of MonthsNumber of expiring leases for the full month.
Exposure TodayNumber of expiring leases for the rest of the month.
Under EvictionUnder Eviction.
Ticket Completion MtDThe ratio of maintenance tickets completed month-to-date.
Average Ticket Resolution SpeedAverage time of maintenance ticket resolution.
Vacant leased ReadyVacant units that are already leased and ready.
Vacant leased not ReadyVacant units that are already leased, but are not ready.
Vacant leased TotalTotal number of vacant units that are already leased.
Vacant-not leased ReadyVacant units that are not leased but are ready.
Vacant-not-leased not ReadyVacant units that are not leased and are not ready.
Vacant-not-leased TotalTotal number of vacant units that are not leased.


Occupancy Historical Statistics OccupancyThe ratio of leased units on that day (vs total of the property).
Occupancy Historical Statistics Prelease EOMEstimate of leased unit ratio at the end of the current month.
Occupancy Historical Statistics Prelease 60 DaysEstimate of leased unit ratio at the end of the following month.
Occupancy Historical Statistics Prelease 90 DaysEstimate of leased unit ratio 30 days after the end of the following month.
Collections Historical Statistics BudgetedCollections budgeted for the current month.
Collections Historical Statistics ChargedCharges for the current month.
Collections Historical Statistics CollectedActual collections month-to-date.
Collections Historical Statistics PercentageThe ratio between Collections month-to-date and Charges for the month.
Economic Occupancy (Rent Only) Historical Statistics Economic OccupancyEconomic Occupancy (EO) month-to-date (Rental Collection vs. GPR).
Delicuency Historical Statistics Month Net ChangeDelinquency originated in the current month.
Delicuency Historical Statistics Previous BalanceDelinquency originated in previous months.
Delicuency Historical Statistics TotalTotal Delinquency (prior and current months combined).
Aging Payables Historical Statistics TotalTotal of all invoices pending for payment.
Aging Payables Historical Statistics 0-30DInvoices submitted in 0-30d that have not been paid.
Aging Payables Historical Statistics 30-60DInvoices submitted in 30-60d that have not been paid.
Aging Payables Historical Statistics 60-90DInvoices submitted in 60-90d that have not been paid.
Aging Payables Historical Statistics >90DInvoices submitted over 90d ago, that have not been paid.
Leasing Activity Historical Statistics AppliedNumber of submitted lease applications month-to-date.
Leasing Activity Historical Statistics CancelledNumber of canceled lease applications month-to-date.
Leasing Activity Historical Statistics DeniedNumber of denied lease applications month-to-date.
Leasing Activity Historical Statistics ApprovedNumber of approved lease applications month-to-date.
Leasing Activity Historical Statistics SignedNumber of signed lease applications month-to-date.
Renewal Activity Historical Statistics AppliedNumber of submitted renewal applications month-to-date.
Renewal Activity Historical Statistics CancelledNumber of canceled renewal applications month-to-date.
Renewal Activity Historical Statistics SignedNumber of signed renewal applications month-to-date.
Renewal Activity Historical Statistics ExposureNumber of expiring leases for the rest of the month.
Move-Ins / Move-Outs Historical Statistics Move-InsNumber of move-ins month-to-date.
Move-Ins / Move-Outs Historical Statistics Move-OutsNumber of move-outs month-to-date.
Vacant Units Historical Statistics Total VacantTotal of vacant units (leased and not leased).
Vacant Units Historical Statistics Vacant LeasedVacant units that are already leased.
Vacant Units Historical Statistics Vacant Not LeasedVacant units that are not leased.
Notice-To-Vacate Historical Statistics Total NTVTotal NTV units (leased and not leased).
Notice-To-Vacate Historical Statistics NTV LeasedNTV units that are already leased.
Notice-To-Vacate Historical Statistics NTV Not LeasedNTV units that are not leased.
Vacant Make-Ready Historical Statistics Prelease ReadyVacant units that are already leased and ready.
Vacant Make-Ready Historical Statistics Prelease Not ReadyVacant units that are already leased, but are not ready.
Vacant Make-Ready Historical Statistics Not Leased ReadyVacant units that are not leased but are ready.
Vacant Make-Ready Historical Statistics Not Leased Not ReadyVacant units that are not leased and are not ready.
Maintenance Tickets Historical Statistics ReportedNumber of maintenance tickets submitted month-to-date.
Maintenance Tickets Historical Statistics CompletedNumber of submitted maintenance tickets that have been resolved month-to-date.
Maintenance Tickets Historical Statistics Not CompletedNumber of submitted maintenance tickets that have not been resolved month-to-date.
Speed of Ticket Resolution Historical Statistics ImmediatelyNumber of resolved maintenance tickets resolved immediately.
Speed of Ticket Resolution Historical Statistics 0-24 HNumber of resolved maintenance tickets resolved in 0-24 hours.
Speed of Ticket Resolution Historical Statistics 24-48 HNumber of resolved maintenance tickets resolved in 24-48 hours.
Speed of Ticket Resolution Historical Statistics 48-72 HNumber of resolved maintenance tickets resolved in 48-72 hours.
Speed of Ticket Resolution Historical Statistics Over 72Number of resolved maintenance tickets resolved in over 72 hours.
Speed of Ticket Resolution Historical Statistics UnknownNumber of resolved maintenance tickets with unknown resolution timeline.
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